Port St Lucie Divorce Lawyer

Port St Lucie Divorce Lawyer

At the present time, however, marriage is no longer the only accepted form of living together between two people. Added to this are the non-marital cohabitation (2.1 million couples in 2000, of which 0.6 million with children) and most recently the registered partnership for same-sex couples. Special chapters of this guide are therefore dedicated to these new forms of cohabitation. The following pages cannot and do not want to replace the legal advice. The Law Office of Denise Miller, P.A. are a family law firm located in Port St Lucie.


This is so because in the divorce proceedings and in certain other proceedings the representation of at least one party by a Port St Lucie lawyer is mandatory. But also in all other respects, the family law is so complex and characterized by the peculiarities of the respective individual case that a consultation and representation by a well-founded lawyer/adviser of your trust is usually indispensable (to the obvious question, what this costs, should will also be discussed on the following pages). The aim of this guide can therefore only be to give you a first overview of the complicated matter of family law. He can not solve the details of your "case". However, after reading it, he offers you the opportunity to address your Port St Lucie divorce lawyer more specifically to specific questions and problems. The Law Office of Denise Miller, P.A. are a Port St Lucie family law firm.

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